Priscilla rice bni. I’m Priscilla rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla rice bni

 I’m Priscilla rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CaliforniaPriscilla rice bni Complete Transcript of Episode 830

With over 299,000 Members worldwide, Business Network International (BNI) is the world's largest business networking and business referral organization. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. Complete Transcript of Episode 760. Complete Transcript of Episode 824/518. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 208. Well, listeners, this podcast has been brought to you by NetworkingNow. com, the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Complete Transcript of Episode 672. Dr. Posted in Networking, Success. Mike Macedonio joins Dr. Hello, Ivan, and how are? Ivan: Hello. Ivan Misner. From the early days of BNI, there were challenges at the chapter level that really needed to be handled by the chapter–not by Dr. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome to the Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley,. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder of. Ivan Misner. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 816/97. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. Ivan Misner. And I’m joined on the phone today by the founder and the chief visionary officer of the and I Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary officer of BNI, Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary officer of BNI, Dr. com, a Web site where you can ask Ivan any question you have about networking. Love is at the core of what makes great leaders great and at the heart of what makes great businesses great. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. Complete Transcript of Episode 731. Complete Transcript of Episode 693. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Misner wrote an impassioned blog post and got 43 comments. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary officer of BNI, Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. If they say something that makes you think of someone else at the event, make the introduction on the spot. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak recording studio in Berkeley, California, and I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. Attend networking events. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I'm Priscilla Rice and I'm coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Complete Transcript of Episode 764. Ivan Miser and many other networking experts. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 120 –. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Complete Transcript of Episode 767. I’m Priscilla rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Businesses do need innovation as well as repetition for success, but most small. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by NetworkingNow. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 056 – Priscilla Rice: Hello everyone. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Complete Transcript of Episode 518. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. Ivan Misner. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. Complete Transcript of Episode 671. ” What is that? Ivan Misner Last week we talked about the big origin story, how BNI got started. Complete Transcript of Episode 698. Hello, everybody and welcome back to the official BNI podcast. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 291 –. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak recording studio in Berkeley,. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan: Especially if you have any level of success… Priscilla: Yes. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Ivan Misner. Hello Ivan. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 89. Ivan Misner. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in. It is potentially both a strength and a weakness. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Complete Transcript of Episode 725. Ivan Misner. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 187 – Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I’m joined on the phone today by the founder and the chairman. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Priscilla Rice is a real estate consulting, relocate, seller, and co-host of The Official BNI podcast. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. Complete Transcript of Episode 766. Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you? Ivan: I am back home. I am Priscilla Rice coming from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. This is Priscilla Rice and we hope you will join us next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. Welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast brought to you by networkingnow. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. Priscilla Rice Great. com the leading sight on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. 825-BNI-Podcast. Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley,. Members of that chapter would. Ivan Misner. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary officer of BNI, Dr. Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 308 – Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary officer of BNI, Dr. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Complete Transcript of Episode 583 –. com, which is a Web site where you can ask Ivan any question you have about networking. Complete Transcript of Episode 824/518. Ivan Miser and many other networking experts. Ivan Misner. Thank you so much for the great. Complete Transcript of Episode 752. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording studio in Berkeley, CA. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Complete Transcript of Episode 755. Priscilla: Hello, everyone and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by NetworkingNow. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m joined on the phone today by the. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Share Tweet Linkedin Whatsapp Save Send Flipboard Special Guest Mark Victor Hansen , Crystal Dwyer Hansen Posted in One to Ones , Special GuestsPriscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to the official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of Episode 667. com, the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla – great analogy! I’m a music person, too! I’d like to suggest that we look at our BNI lives as the “cover version. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Ivan Misner and Priscilla Rice, 406 episodes, 1 ratings & reviews. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the phone today by the founder and the chairman. Complete Transcript of Episode 705. Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of Episode 656/789. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. Podcast, brought to you by NetworkingNow. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and Chief Visionary Officer. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Ivan Misner. Synopsis. Ivan Misner. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. This week, Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Ivan Misner. Ivan Misner. The world's largest business referral organization is just a few clicks away. Complete Transcript of Episode 787. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. Synopsis. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Ivan: And I’ve got even better ones, but I like that one. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by NetworkingNow. Thanks so much for listening. Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Complete Transcript of Episode 701. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. But it’s important to remember the distinctions. Share Tweet Linkedin Whatsapp Save Send Flipboard Special Guest Brian Hilliard Posted in Building Better BNI Chapters , Special GuestsComplete Transcript of Episode 797. Priscilla: Okay. Misner this week to talk about “Networking Up. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of Episode 771. Ivan Miser and many other networking experts. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI Dr. Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 147 –. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak recording studio in Berkeley, California, and I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Misner is the Founder and Chairman of BNI, the world's largest business networking organization. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the phone today by the. com which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Complete Transcript of Episode 464 –. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. Ivan. This is Priscilla Rice, and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I am Priscilla Rice coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Hello, Ivan. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Follow up. Ivan Miser and many other networking experts. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the phone today by the founder and the chairman. Misner this week to talk about “Networking Up. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Hello, everybody and welcome back to the official BNI podcast. Priscilla: Okay, thank you, Dr. Complete Transcript of Episode 739. Misner. I am joined on the phone to day by the Founder of BNI, Dr. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I’m joined on the phone today by the founder and the chairman. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. . Complete Transcript of Episode 777. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Prima donna syndrome is a term used to describe individuals who display excessive egotism, arrogance, and self-centeredness in their professional and personal lives. Priscilla: Helo everyone and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by NetworkingNow. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. After receiving a completely inappropriate message from a stranger attacking a new member of one of the online networks he belongs to, Dr. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you? Ivan: Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. Complete Transcript of Episode 780. Ivan: Yeah. Complete Transcript of Episode 590. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 51. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. The film, directed by Sofia Coppola, highlights Priscilla’s perspective and what she had to endure during their relationship. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. The behavior of individuals with prima donna syndrome can lead to low morale, high turnover, and strained relationships with colleagues or clients. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Ivan Misner. How are you today? Ivan: I’m doing fantastic. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Ivan Misner. Hello, Ivan. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast, brought to you by the Networking for Success Channel on YouTube, which features Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from the beautiful Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the phone today by the. Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Priscilla: Hello, everybody and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak recording studio in Berkeley, California, and I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. com, which is the leading site on the Net for networking downloadables. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Priscilla Rice: Hello everybody and welcome back to the official BNI podcast brought to you by networkingnow. Ivan Misner. Complete Transcript of Episode 833. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of Episode 682. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Ivan Misner. Synopsis. com, the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Hello, Ivan. Complete Transcript of Episode 780. Number one: Be yourself. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Hello, Ivan. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI Dr. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla:. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Hello, Ivan. Priscilla: Uh-huh, that’s so cute. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of Episode 693. Hello Ivan, how are you and where are you? Ivan: Complete Transcript of Episode 760. I really appreciate it. We bring in. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak recording studio in Berkeley,. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Okay, so I’m in Austin. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. It was an exciting meeting in so may ways. And I’m joined on the phone today by the founder and the chief visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner. Complete Transcript of Episode 738. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Complete Transcript of Episode 753. This is Priscilla Rice and we look forward to having you join us again next week for another exciting episode of The Official BNI Podcast. Ivan Misner. Priscilla: Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcription of BNI Podcast Episode 189 – Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. Complete Transcript of Episode 833. Hello Ivan. And I’m joined on the phone today by the founder and the chief visionary officer of the and I Dr. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oaks Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. 15143327508 [email protected] Dernière étape, un courriel de vérification a été envoyé à. Be authentic. Priscilla: Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. Complete Transcript of Episode 546. I am joined on the phone today by the Founder of BNI, Dr. Share Tweet Linkedin Whatsapp Save Send Flipboard Special Guest Antoine Didienne Posted in Online Networking , Special Guests Tagged with BNI online™Priscilla Rice Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the official BNI podcast. Hello, Ivan, how are you and where are you? Ivan: Hi Priscilla. Ivan Misner. Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 334 –. 825-BNI-Podcast. Priscilla Rice: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by networkingnow. Keep it simple. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. Share your own insights about BNI’s rules in the comments below. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Share Tweet Linkedin Whatsapp Save Send Flipboard Special Guest Mark Victor Hansen , Crystal Dwyer Hansen Posted in One to Ones , Special Guests It fuels individual and professional growth, not to mention increased growth which is what BNI is about. I think that is it for this week, Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Complete Transcript of Episode 654. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording. Tell me a little bit about this episode title. Complete Transcript of BNI Podcast Episode 298 – Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. I’m in Austin, TX this week. Ivan Misner. Ivan Misner. And I mentioned that in December of 1985–I started BNI in January of 1985, and in December I reflected on the year and how it went. Ivan Misner. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Ivan Misner. Priscilla: Hello everybody, and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Ivan Misner. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording studio in Berkeley, California. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner and many other networking experts. Complete Transcript of Episode 734. Complete Transcript of Episode 775. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Complete Transcript of Episode 774. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. Misner personally. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Priscilla: Hello everyone and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast brought to you by NetworkingNow. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. And I’m joined on the phone today by the founder and the chief visionary Officer of BNI, Dr. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California, and I am joined on the phone today by the founder and the chairman of BNI, Dr. Priscilla: Hello everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. Complete Transcript of Episode 691. Complete Transcript of Episode 495 –. Thank you, Dr. Back to you, Priscilla. I am Priscilla Rice and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio, which is a beautiful studio. Priscilla: Hello, everybody and welcome back to The Official BNI Podcast. And I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary officer of BNI, Dr. I am Priscilla Rice, and I am coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio, in Berkeley,. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m going to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, CA. Robert co-authored, with Graham Weihmiller and myself, the book, The Connector Effect. Share Tweet Linkedin Whatsapp Save Send Flipboard Special Guest Elisabeth Misner Posted in BNI Foundation , Networking , Special Guests Tagged with Nonprofits , Business VoicesComplete Transcript of Episode 572 –. Ivan Misner & Priscilla Rice at a BNI meeting in Burlingame, CA. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California , and I am joined on the phone today by the founder and the. I’m Priscilla Rice, and I’m coming to you from Live Oak Recording Studio in Berkeley, California. Ivan, before you start, I just want to say that this is Episode. com, which is the leading site on the net for networking downloadables. I’m Priscilla Rice and I’m coming to you from Live Oak recording studio in Berkeley, California, and I’m joined on the phone today by the Founder and the Chief Visionary Officer of BNI, Dr.